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Course materials

Academic partners in Food Dignity developed several new or adapted courses in food systems and food justice, including as part of the new food system minors at Cornell University and University of Wyoming. Here are some of the course materials, available for reference, adaptation and re-use. Please credit any use.

University of Wyoming

  • Food, health & justice, a 4000/5000-level course at University of Wyoming, Christine M. Porter. Offered 2011-2018: Syllabus, Assignments.

  • Food systems & health: from person to planet, a 5000-level course at University of Wyoming, Christine M. Porter. Offered 2014: Syllabus and assignments.

  • Public health seminar series: perspectives on the food system, a 1-credit 4000/5000-level survey course at University of Wyoming, Lacey Gaechter & Christine M. Porter. Offered 2016: Syllabus.

  • Foundations of sustainability, a 1000-level course at University of Wyoming that is the opening bookend in the sustainability minor, Rachael Budowle (since 2014). Offered 2013-2018: Syllabus.

  • Campus sustainability, a 4000/5000-level course at University of Wyoming that is the capstone in the sustainability minor, Rachael Budowle. Offered in this format 2013-2018. Syllabus.

Ithaca College

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