Dig Deep Farms Team Members

Marty Neideffer was hired as a deputy with the Alameda County (California) Sheriff’s Office in May, 1997. While serving as a School Resource Officer in 2004, he became aware of the dearth of low-cost after-school and summer activities available to youth in the unincorporated areas of Alameda County. Thereafter, he created the non-profit Alameda County Deputy Sheriffs’ Activities League (DSAL), which has since provided enrichment activities of one kind or another to thousands of area youth and adults. In 2010, the DSAL launched the social enterprise Dig Deep Farms (DDF), an urban agriculture venture that recognizes the interconnection between residents’ health, economic opportunity and crime prevention. DDF employs 11 urban farmers, some of whom are re-entering the community following periods of incarceration. DDF grows produce on seven acres and sells it locally. Neideffer was promoted to the rank of captain, and now directs the Sheriff’s Office Youth and Family Services Bureau-Crime Prevention Unit.