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Products: Feeding Laramie Valley

Woodsum, G.M. (2018). "Entering into a community-university collaboration: Reflections from Feeding Laramie Valley." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).

Feeding Laramie Valley, Woodsum, G. M., Hargraves, M., & Denning, C. (Producer). (2017). Feeding Laramie Valley: a collaborative pathway model.

Owens, R. [MrRowens08] (2017). "FLV Overview." Online video. YouTube, 31 January 2017.

Owens, R. [MrRowens08] (2017). "Bren Liske." Online video. YouTube, 31 January 2017.

Owens, R. [MrRowens08] (2016). "GramElla." Online video. YouTube, 08 April 2016.

Owens, R. [StoryCenter] (2015). "Food in Wyoming by Reece Owens of Feeding Laramie Valley, Laramie, Wyoming." Online video. YouTube, 8 July 2015.

Dunning, L. [StoryCenter] (2015). "The Grace to Receive by Lina Dunning of Feeding Laramie Valley, Laramie, Wyoming." Online video. YouTube, 8 July 2015.

Porter, C.M., Hargraves, M., Sequeira, E.J., and Woodsum, G.M. "Let us count the ways: How CBPR leads to more rigorous research." Presentation at the American Public Health Association Annual meeting. November 2014. New Orleans, LA.

research." Presentation at the American Public Health Association Annual meeting. November 2014. New Orleans, LA.

(no associated resources)

Porter, C.M. & Woodsum, G.M. (2014). "Food for Dignity and Democracy." Workshop presentation. UW 14th Consumer Issues Conference. October 9, 2014. Laramie, WY.

(no associated resources)

Woodsum, G.M., Bell, P., Sutter, V., Sutter, J., Lee, C., Mendoza, T. (2014). "Growing Food and Leaders across Wyoming's Cultural Divide." LocalFest. Dec 10, 2014. Lander, WY.

(no associated resources)

Porter, C.M., Herrera, H., Marshall D. & Woodsum, G.M., (2014). "Shared voices, different worlds: process and product in the Food Dignity action research project." Practice-based paper in Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement. 7(1) 116-128.

Woodsum, G. (2014). "Local Food Security." Panel presentation. League of Women Voters. February 6, 2014. Laramie, WY.

(no associated resources)

Porter, C.M., Woodsum, G.M. (2013). Panelists for "A Place at the Table" film discussion, Hunger and Homelessness Week. Service, Leadership & Community Engagement (SLCE), University of Wyoming. November 20, 2013. Invited.

(no associated resources)

Porter, C.M., Herrera, H., Marshall, D., Sequeira, E.J., Sutter, V., Vigil, D., and Woodsum, G.M. (2013). "Will work for Food Dignity: A workshop on making research serve food justice." Panel and workshop at Yale Food Systems Symposium, October 18-19, 2013. Yale University, New Haven, CT.

Woodsum, G.M. (2013). "FLV Food, Health, and Justice." Oral presentation to University of Wyoming Food, Health, and Justice Class. October 10, 2013. Invited.

(no associated resources)

Porter, C.M., Herrera, H., Marshall, D., and Woodsum, G.M. (2013). "Shared Voices, Different Worlds: process and product in the Food Dignity action research project." Paper for CU Expo. June 12-15, 2013. Cornerbrook, Newfoundland, Canada.

Woodsum, G.M., Porter, C.M., Herrera, H., & Marshall D. (2013). "Shared Voices, Different Worlds - Food Dignity research team" Presentation at CU Expo. June 12-15, 2013. Cornerbrook, Newfoundland, Canada.

Woodsum, G.M. (2013). "Working for Food Equality in Albany County, Wyoming." Presentation for Friends of Recreation. April 3, 2013.

(no associated resources)

Woodsum, G.M., Herrera, H., Sutter, J. & Porter, C.M. (2012). "Food Dignity." Poster at Community Campus Partnerships for Health community partners meeting. December 7, 2012. Washington, D.C.

Woodsum, G.M. (2012). "FLV Food, Health, and Justice." Oral presentation to University of Wyoming Food, Health, and Justice Class. October 4, 2012. Invited.

(no associated resources)

Porter, C.M. (2012). "Organizing Community Food Systems for Wyoming's Health." Plenary presentation at the Wyoming Public Health Association annual meeting. October 3, 2012. With G. Woodsum and V. Sutter. Peer-reviewed.

(no associated resources)

Owens, R. [MrRowens08] (2012). "Feeding Laramie Valley West to East." Online video. YouTube, 6 Aug 2012.

Woodsum, G.M., Hubbell, C, McCrackin, P. (2012). "The Road Not Taken: miracles and hazards of letting a project define itself." Story session at Community-Campus Partnerships for Health 15th anniversary conference. April 18-21, 2012. Houston, TX.

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