Products: Whole Community Project
Sequeira, E.J. (2018). "Entering into a community-university collaboration: Reflections from Whole Community Project." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).
Whole Community Project, Sequeira, E. J., Hargraves, M., & Denning, C. (Producer). (2017). Whole Community Project: a collaborative pathway model.
Sequeira, J. [StoryCenter] (2015). "Sankofa, by Jemila Sequeira of Whole Community Project, Cornell Cooperative Extension-Tompkins County, Ithaca, New York." Online video. YouTube, 8 July 2015.
Brangman, D. [StoryCenter] (2015). "Roots Rising, by Damon Brangman of Whole Community Project, Cornell Cooperative Extension-Tompkins County, Ithaca, New York." Online video. YouTube, 8 July 2015.
Porter, C.M., Hargraves, M., Sequeira, E.J., and Woodsum, G.M. "Let us count the ways: How CBPR leads to more rigorous research." Presentation at the American Public Health Association Annual meeting. November 2014. New Orleans, LA.
Porter, C.M., Herrera, H., Marshall, D., Sequeira, E.J., Sutter, V., Vigil, D., and Woodsum, G.M. (2013). "Will work for Food Dignity: A workshop on making research serve food justice." Panel and workshop at Yale Food Systems Symposium, October 18-19, 2013. Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Peters, S., Sequeira, J., Armstrong, J, Gervais, S, Gregory, M, Camillo-Lillie, L. (2013). "Food Dignity: Action Research On Engaging Food Insecure Communities And Universities In Building Sustainable Community Food Systems." Cornell Institute for International Food and Agriculture Seminars, Cornell University. February 13, 2013.
Porter, C.M., Sequeira, E.J. & Woodsum, G.M. (2013). "Who is 'the public' in public health and food systems: examining community food organizing and health collaborations in New York and in Wyoming." A report to Kettering Foundation, part 2 of 2.
Porter, C.M., Sequeira, E.J. & Woodsum, G.M. (2011). "Community Politics and Leadership in Food In/Security: networks, issues and observations in Albany County, Wyoming and Tompkins County, New York." A report to Kettering Foundation.