Research methods
Our primary research question was: how do, can and should communities create more sustainable, equitable and food secure communities? Our secondary one was: what are means for creating more equitable community-university collaborations in research, action and education?
We learned about both by doing. For the first question, we relied upon the collective decades of expertise and experience the five community-based organizations (CBOs) brought to the table. Also, we traced the work of the CBOs and how each invested its sub-award from Food Dignity over the five years of our collaboration (Woodsum 2018; Porter 2018). For the second, we learned via striving for such relations in our own collaborations.
We primarily used multiple case study research methods to document and learn from actions (Porter 2018), including developing a collaborative version of pathway modelling (Hargraves & Denning 2018). The work of the CBOs was our primary unit of analysis in the first question. Our collaboration itself was the focal point for analysis in the second question.
In addition, we examined the minigrant programs each CBO developed (Hargraves 2018) and conducted some quantitative agroecological research (see, e.g., Conk & Porter 2016; Gregory, Leslie & Drinkwater 2016).
Woodsum (2018). The cost of community-based action research: Examining research access and implementation through the Food Dignity project community support package. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1). https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2018.08A.019.
Porter (2018). Triple-rigorous storytelling: a PI’s reflections on devising case study methods with five community-based food justice organizations. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).
Hargraves & Denning (2018). Visualizing expertise: Collaborative pathway modeling as a methodology for conveying community-driven strategies for change. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).
Hargraves (2018). Learning from community-designed minigrant programs in the Food Dignity project. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 8(Supp. 1).
Conk & Porter (2016). Food gardeners’ productivity in Laramie, Wyoming: more than a hobby. American Journal of Public Health,106(5): 854-856.
Gregory, Leslie, & Drinkwater (2016). Agroecological and socioeconomic characteristics of New York City community gardens: Contributions to urban food security, ecosystem services, and environmental education. Urban Ecosystems, 19(2)763-794.
Tracing the Paths: Telling Stories of Food Dignity (short documentary) by Matthew Luotto with StoryCenter.
Pelletier, Porter, Aarons, Wuehler & Neufeld. (2013). Expanding the frontiers of population nutrition research: New questions, new methods, and new approaches. Advances in Nutrition. 4(1), 92-114.
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