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06/12/13              (video) FD 13-06-12 pres CU Expo Porter hopes and fears 2013 narrated

04/28/15              2015 Daftary FDwebsite brief 'Growing Young Leaders'

04/19/11              BMA 11-04-14 media Riverton Ranger 'Food grant intended for reservation improvements'

02/01/13              CU 13-02-18 conf-pres Pelletier D. Field Seminar Advancing Frontiers

08/06/13              CU 13-08-06 conf-pres MMG Ecological Society of America

10/09/13              CU 13-10-09 conf-pres AHS presentation Armstrong

05/13/14              CU 14-05-13 pres HS 'Ithaca's Community Garden Harvest Research'

09/25/14              CU 14-09-25 pres SP et al Smith Lever Research Symposium 'New Measuring Stick'

01/28/15              CU 15-01-28 report 'Engaging Research Engaging Cornell'

08/01/15              CU 15-08-01 thesis abstract jaa 'Engaging Stories'

02/13/13              CU-WCP 13-02-13 pres CIIFAD Seminar AR On Engaging Food Insecure Comm

01/10/14              DDF 14-01-10 media Hayward produce stand sets up

09/17/14              DDF 14-09-17 CSAC 'California Counties Show Their Innovation'

02/02/15              DDF 15-02-02 report 'EBUFFS 2014 Year End Report'

10/07/15              DDF 15-10-07 media CA Health Report 'Operation My Home Town Fights Crime by Meeting Basic Needs'

05/23/13              DDFP 13-05-23 report KB Practicing Food Justice at DDFP

04/01/14              DDFP 14-04-01 conf-abstract AAG Scholar activism and activist scholarship

03/29/15              DDFP 15-03-29 media Contra Costa Times 'Alameda County urban farm program expands, to add kitchen'

07/17/12              ENYF 12-07-17 conf-pres City Bountiful Panel

07/23/12              ENYF 12-07-23 conf-pres Community Food Funders Network

10/24/12              ENYF 12-10-24 conf-pres New School’s Food Day

12/14/12              ENYF 12-12-14 conf-pres Young Farmers’ Conference

08/27/14              ENYF 14-08-27 media New York Times 'Mother Nature's Daughters'

03/15/15              ENYF 15-03-15 conf-pres 'Foundations for Success, Building a strong community food project'

11/01/11              FD 11-01-01 report Kettering 'Community Politics and Leadership' (1 of 2)

06/22/11              FD 11-06-22 media Laramie Boomerang Project explores plant power

02/01/12              FD 12-02 brief 'Minigrants, lessons from the literature'

05/02/12              FD 12-04 media-ASHEE 2011 campus sustainability review

06/21/12              FD 12-06-21 media Cornell Chronicle 5 million USDA grant to advance community food systems

10/20/12              FD 12-10-20 pres CP et al APHA

12/04/12              FD 12-12-04 report McCrackinThesis120412

12/05/12              FD 12-12-05 report National Community Partner Forum-BriefReportFinal

12/07/12              FD 12-12-07 conf team poster CCPH Dec 2012

01/01/13              FD 13-01-01 report Kettering Final Report Porter Sequeira Woodsum January 2013

03/21/13              FD 13-03-21 Porter Community action to prevent childhood obesity

04/10/13              FD 13-04-10 conf-abstract AAG Making Academics Work for FD

05/30/13              FD 13-05-30 media County 10 webpage Food Dignity Project begins third year on WRR

06/03/13              FD 13-06-03 media KDLY-KOVE UW research supports community food systems

06/03/13              FD 13-06-03 media Sheridan Press UW research supports community food systems

06/12/13              FD 13-06-12 report Shared Voices Gateways CU Expo final Oct 2013

09/19/13              FD 13-09-01 SFS-course Community_Univeristy_Engagement

10/19/13              FD 13-10-18 conf-pres Yale Will work for Food Dignityv2

10/18/13              FD 13-10-18 conf-pres Yale Will work for Food Dignityv2

05/03/14              FD 14-05-03 media CCPH Press Release 'Food Dignity Receives 13th Annual CCPH Award';

FD 14-05-03 media CCPH 'Annual Award Winners 2014'

03/27/15              FD 15-03-27 conf-pres 'The Unattainable Trifecta of Urban Agriculture'

12/24/15              FD 15-12-24 media Laramie Boomerang 'Community leaders attend global conference'

04/18/12              FLV 12-05-01 pres The Road Not TakenFINAL

02/12/14              FLV 14-02-12 media Laramie Boomerang 'Nutritionally Meaningful, Study aims to bust stereotypes about home gardens'

08/22/14              FLV 14-08-22 media LLF Laramie Boomerang 'Celebrating local food'

08/24/14              FLV 14-08-24 media LLF Laramie Boomerang 'Enjoying lunch in the park'

10/09/14              FLV 14-10-09 pres GW VS JS LocalFest

02/05/15              FLV 15-02-05 media Laramie Boomerang 'Feeding Laramie Valley expands program'

05/14/15              FLV 15-05-14 media Laramie Boomerang 'West Laramie residents express support for community garden in Kiwanis Park'

09/17/15              FLV 15-09-17 media Laramie Boomerang 'Exploring Options, No city land for FLV - yet'

09/01/12              IC 12-09-01 GEGC Syllabus Fall 2012

09/26/16              GR FD 16-09-26 poster 2016 Native American Nutrition Poster Final

11/02/16              GR FD 16-11-02 presentation Porter what gardens grow APHA 2016

08/30/12              IC 12-08-30 SFS-course Food Systems Syllabus

09/18/12              IC 12-18-09 SFS-course ProjectGuideHandbook_Food Systems Class

01/16/13              IC 13-01-16 report-SFS-course Final Report IC ComuntyCultrlCmptncy Module

01/20/13              IC 13-01-20 SFS-course Project Guide Handbook_Change Strategies Class

01/21/13              IC 13-01-21 SFS-course Change Strategies Class StudentProjectHandbook

01/20/13              IC 13-01-21 SFS-course Change Strategies Class Syllabus

02/22/13              IC 13-02-22 report Exec Summary CommunityCompetency Pilot Report

02/22/13              IC 13-02-22 SFS-course Checklist for Agency-Faculty Partnership

02/22/13              IC 13-02-22 SFS-course Community Food System Glossary-EP2

02/22/13              IC 13-02-22 SFS-course StudentProjectHandbook-Fall 2012

02/22/13              IC 13-02-22 SFS-course Tompkins--Ithaca Food system resources

05/16/13              IC 13-05-16 service-learning The Onion of Engagement 2013

05/20/13              IC 13-05-20 SFS-course Building a Resilent & Inclusive Community

07/05/13              IC 13-07-05 flyer Service learning - school gardens

07/16/13              IC 13-07-16 SFS-course Food System Course Report

07/16/13              IC 13-07-16 SFS-course Practice Brief - Valuing Grassroots Educators

08/19/13              IC 13-08-19 int-SFS-course documentation quotes into questions

08/19/13              IC 13-08-19 SFS-course Student final reflections summary

09/13/13              IC 13-09-19 conf-pres food justice walk Presentation Final

12/04/13              IC 13-12-04 report Food Dignity paragraph (Afrith 2013)

09/01/15              UCD 15-08-26 Unpublished Dissertation KB

09/01/15              UW 15-09 MArthur_Thesis_Kinesiology_Health_Final_Sep_15_Complete

12/10/15              UW WCP 15-12-10 conf-pres Porter Sequeira FD at EFSNE final

UW Conk Thesis

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